Fee Structure

However, if a child has been previously diagnosed with any mental health condition and parents wish to discuss the current symptoms and medication, the cost of ADHD assessment will be conducted through two one-hour zoom consultations in two separate sessions. These sessions cost 500 EUR each, totaling to 1000 EUR. During these sessions, I will conduct a detailed evaluation of your child's symptoms and behavior patterns using standardized rating scales and clinical interviews. This will help determine if your child has ADHD and also rule out any other potential conditions.
In the second session, you will be provided feedback on starting medication as part of the treatment plan. The goal is to support your child's academic, social and emotional growth. The assessment report will include a detailed analysis of the evaluation, supporting letter for schools and prescription which will be sent directly to your pharmacy.
After the assessment, follow-up appointments may be necessary to ensure your child is receiving the optimal dosage for their medication. These appointments will be scheduled every four weeks and will also be available on Zoom for your convenience. Follow-up consultations are generally 30 minutes long and cost 200 EUR.
The first Consultation Appointment is to understand your child's medical history, symptoms and concerns. This will also give us a chance to discuss any questions or doubts you may have.
It's important to understand that ADHD can significantly impact your child's daily life and educational performance if left untreated. Investing in this assessment and treatment plan will provide your child with personalized care and support to manage their symptoms, improve their academic performance and overall wellbeing. I am dedicated to providing thorough evaluations and personalized care to support your family throughout this journey.


ADHD Assessment

€ 1000

(based on two separate appointments of €500 each on two separate occasions)


€ 200

Repeat Prescription

€ 30

Forms, Reports, DARE Application

€ 100

If a child has previously been diagnosed and need discussion in relation to medication, it will be €400 and one hour consultation.

Policy on Payment

Payment in advance is required to secure an appointment for an initial assessment. When you are ready to secure an appointment please contact us. If you do not contact us to secure an appointment then no appointment will be made. If you have not been given an appointment date or if you would like a different appointment date, please contact the team to secure an appointment.

Cancellations and Rescheduling

Please allow 72 hours notice for rescheduling. There is no additional cost for rescheduling however there is a limit to the number of requests for rescheduling that can be made.
In the case of cancellations you may be liable to pay 50% of the overall cost if notice of cancellation is received less than 48 hours before the appointment.